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In the summer, Snickers launched a global campaign that built on the well-known and popular campaign message "You're not you, when you're hungry". In this connection, Snickers developed a new design for their packaging that associated a unique word with each chocolate bar. The words were, for example, "Irritable" or "Grumpy" - and it was common that the words described the feeling many people get when they are hungry. The new bars gave rise to the "Hunger Apology" campaign concept, where we had to encourage via influencers to apologize for our bad mood as a result of hunger with a suitable bar. For the task, we cast influencers who hit the target group of 25-35 year olds, urban trendsetters. The keywords were commitment and humour.

The case

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Snickers requested a campaign solution that could spread the campaign message "Hunger Apology" to their target group in an engaging and humorous way. The influencers had to hit the target audience broadly, have self-irony and create sharp content. At the same time, they had to have a high reach, a good efficiency rate and a strong engagement rate.
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At buzzanova, we cast a team of skilled and relevant influencers together with Snickers who met the demands of the global company. The choice fell on Johanne Mygind (Nutidensmor) & Jesper Søvndal, Daniel Hoffe, Line Hoffmeyer and Jonas Droger, who all contributed with their differences and strengths to hit the desired segments within the target group.
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Overall, the campaign performed well above the KPIs for coverage and engagement that we set at the start of the collaboration. In particular, Line Hoffmeyer, who had an efficiency rate of over 300%. The campaign had high engagement rates, mainly due to the influencers' call to actions such as "share your Monday story" or "who is the most hangry?".

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Karim Stoumann

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Karim Stoumann

Karim Stoumann

CEO & Founder

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